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Ronin Bridge


Ronin Bridge ( is an app for bridging ERC20 tokens and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) between Ethereum and the Ronin chain.

Ronin Bridge is a multi-signature bridge, which means that when you make a transaction, multiple bridge operators have to approve it before it's finalized. This approach makes the bridge a secure choice for cross-chain transactions, preventing any single party from acting maliciously or making unauthorized changes.

User guides

Supported wallets

Ronin Bridge supports the following wallets:

Supported assets

ERC20 tokens

With Ronin Bridge, you can bridge the following ERC20 tokens:

  • Deposit (from Ethereum to Ronin): AEC, AGG, APRS, AXS, BANANA, ETH, PIXEL, SLP, USDC, YGG
  • Withdrawal (from Ronin to Ethereum): AGG, AXS, APRS, BANANA, PIXEL, SLP, USDC, WETH, YGG

Withdrawal limits apply. For more information, see Withdrawal limits.

ERC721 tokens (NFTs)

With Ronin Bridge, you can bridge NFTs (non-fungible tokens) from the following collections:

  • Cyberkongz Genkai
  • Cyberkongz VX
  • Pixels Farm Land (coming soon)


When bringing a token or NFT to an address on the Ronin chain, you can enter either a standard crypto address that starts with 0x, or an RNS (Ronin Name Service) domain name, such as example.ron.

Make sure to type in the full RNS name including the .ron domain, so that the system can recognize the linked address.


For more information about RNS, see Register an RNS name.