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Reading blockchain data


This guide will walk you through reading blockchain data from the Ronin network using ethers.js v6. You’ll learn how to connect to Ronin, retrieve account balances, and read smart contract data.


Before you begin, make sure you have:

1. Install ethers.js

If you haven’t already, install ethers.js using the package manager of your choice:

npm install ethers@6.x

2. Connect to the Ronin Network

To interact with Ronin, you need an RPC provider:

import { ethers } from "ethers";

// Replace with a valid Ronin RPC URL
const RONIN_RPC_URL = "";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(RONIN_RPC_URL);
Public RPC endpoints

Check out our Network information to find a list of public RPC endpoints.

3. Fetch Account Balance

You can check the RON balance of an address:

async function getBalance(address) {
const balance = await provider.getBalance(address);
console.log(`Balance: ${ethers.formatEther(balance)} RON`);

//We're reading the RON balance of the Ronin Treasury. Replace the below address with any address you want to check.
const walletAddress = "0x22cefc91e9b7c0f3890ebf9527ea89053490694e";

4. Read Smart Contract Data

If you want to interact with a smart contract, you need its ABI and address.

//In this example, we want to check the WRON balance.
const contractAddress = "0xe514d9deb7966c8be0ca922de8a064264ea6bcd4";
const decimals = 18; //the decimals of the token contract

const contractABI = [
"function balanceOf(address owner) view returns (uint256)"
//Replace the above contractAddress and contractABI with any contract/abi you want to check.

const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, provider);

async function getTokenBalance(ownerAddress) {
const balance = await contract.balanceOf(ownerAddress);
console.log(`Token Balance: ${ethers.formatUnits(balance.toString(),decimals)}`);

//Again, we're reading the WRON balance of the Ronin Treasury. Replace the below address with any address you want to check.
const tokenHolder = "0x22cefc91e9b7c0f3890ebf9527ea89053490694e";


You’ve successfully connected to the Ronin network, fetched an account’s balance, and read smart contract data.